Campus IACFB on LinkedIn

About Your New LinkedIn IACFB Group Member and Free Boot Camp / Magazine Login Credentials

About Your IACFB Login Credentials

Login Credentials (USERNAME and PASSWORD) are provided for all IACFB LinkedIn Group Members.  Your credentials are activated based on your status.

Based on your status, your credentials are emailed to you within 24 hours.

Request Your FREE Credentials (Magazine)

The IACFB Group on LinkedIn acts as our “forum”.If you are already a member of our online LinkedIn Group but you DO NOT yet have your USERNAME and PASSWORD, complete the quick form below.  Credentials are completely FREE, but you must be a member of IACFB’s Group on LinkedIn….which is also free.  If you are already a memeber of LinkedIn, simply click here to join IACFB’s Factoring Broker Group.  Once a member of the group, select the button below to request your free credentials.

Your New Free Login Credentials and Their Benefits

All factors and commercial finance lenders are well aware of the imortance of LinkedIn for lead generation. Many factoring brokers, agents, and commercial finance conusltants, however, are not.  At IACFB, we know that joining LinkedIn is critical to your suuccess and we now provide these IACFB benefits to those joining the IACFB Brokers Group on LinkedIn

For Brokers / Consultants

  • Magazine Articles Access (Free)
  • Boot Camp Articles Access (Free)
  • Special Discounts on Campus Training Promotions (Discounts)
  • Lenders Directories Listing (Free)
  • Special Discounts on DataMax Broker Websites and Hosting
  • Access to Lender Company Showcases (Free)

For Factors / Lenders

  • Magazine Guest Articles  (Free)
  • Magazine Showcases (Free)
  • Broker / ISO Training / Registered Access (Academy Member)
  • Lenders Directories Basic Listing (Free)
  • Lenders Directories Upgrade (Academy Member)
  • Contest and Promotion Support

Join IACFB and Enjoy
All of the Benefits