Campus IACFB

International Association of
Commercial Finance Brokers

Build Your Future and Career. Become a Professional Freelance Broker / Consultant in the Exciting and Rewarding Factoring and Alternative Commercial Finance Industry

Explore the Academy

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Comprehensive Business Finance Broker Training Programs

IACFB provides comprehensive training for those seeking to learn more about the business of alternative commercial finance including commercial factoring, asset-based lending, purchase order financing, export trade finance, merchant cash advance and much, much more.  IACFB provides comprehensive programs, classes and lessons designed specifically to develop our rapidly expanding network of IACFB sponsored agents, freelance brokers, and certified consultants nationwide.  Register as a “Guest” as and explore and learn more. 

Back in Stock!

IACFB’s 5-Star Rated Factoring Commercial Finance Training Guide is back in stock and available now.  With over 800 sold on Amazon, the guide has been recognized as one of the best methods available at any price to begin earning a fair share of our industry’s near-legendary residual passive commission income.

Available With the IACFB Startup Package

As in the past, this 200+ page wealth of factoring information has been the “cornerstone” of our members training packages since the guide has always included Learning Lab Online supplementary training at the Academy.  Find out more and the guides current availability by clicking the botton below.

IACFB and You. Explore the Benefits!

A New Profession:
The Perfect Career
for Mobile Creatives

Today's Active Networkers, Mobile Creatives, Professional Bloggers, Affiliate "Marketeers", and more. Get your home business started.

MCA ISOs: Take Your
Single Finance Product
Business to a New Level

Today's economy means more opportunities for brokers. Take your business to a new level with factoring and asset-based finance offerings.

Factoring Brokers: Grow Your Business as a Certified Consultant

There are few professional careers that can match that of Commercial Finance Consultants. Expand you current opportunities.

Factors recruiting brokers

Factors/Lenders: Offer Your Own Referrers
Training Program

Local Accountants, Bookkeepers, Payable Managers, Community Bank Lending Officers, and more, enjoy new passive income streams

Join Our Community

IACFB MAGAZINE:  Find out more and explore our industry and your opportunities.  Our Monthly Magazine provides you with everything you’ll require to begin earning our near-ledendary residual commission income.  

FREE…JOIN OUR LINKEDIN GROUP:  Whether you intend to enter our industry and launch your business full time or part time, LinkedIn membership is the social media that is required for success.  So, it is no surprise that IACFB has it’s own Public Group on this essential success tool.   Join us.  

FREE…ADD YOUR LISTING:  If you are a current factor or lender, the IACFB’s Directory of American Factors and Lenders is available to you.  This “searchable” listings directory is a FREE lead generator and link to industry brokers.  You can view the directories now by clicking the image or ADD your listing now with the button below.    

Factoring Broker Training

Join IACFB. Become a Subscriber

Join IACFB with our exciting new 2024 pricing and launch an exciting career.  Become a freelance professional broker in the factoring and alternative commercial finance industry.

In today’s challenging economy, the world of factoring and alternative commercial finance  offers incredible opportunities for individuals seeking financial independence and career growth. With the International Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (IACFB), you can access top-notch training at the Factoring Broker’s Academy, equipping you with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in this dynamic industry.

Our 2024 subscription pricing ensures that anyone can begin  factoring broker career without breaking the bank, making it the perfect time to seize the chance to enter this high-demand field and secure your financial future.

Easy to Understand Courses and Lessons for Agents, Sponsored Agents, Freelance Brokers and Consultants

Commercial factoring is one of the easiest and fastest ways to finance and grow a small B2B business.  Many business owners, however, are not familiar with factoring’s powerful flexibility and ease of access to solve cash flow problems.  That’s where Campus IACFB comes in.  With IACFB’s courses, lesson, and comprehensive training, you can launch you own consulting business assisting other entrepreneurs in their search for much needed working capital when the “Bank’s Say NO!”  As a broker / consultant, you can work traditionally “in the field” calling directly on business owners in need of capital or as a mobile creative online using modern social media and the comfort of your own home…or both.  We teach you how.    

Who Can Benefit From Campus Academy Training

Start as an IACFB Subscriber

Today's Active Networkers, Mobile Creatives, Professional Bloggers, Affiliate "Marketeers", and more. Get your home business started.

Upgrade Your Career. Become a PAL

After your first successful referrals and commissions, leave your current dead end job behind and become an industry freelance factoring broker.

Expand Your Business to Certified Consultant

For today's online "mobile creatives" expand your enterprise with Cash Flow Consulting and the Passive Income of Affiliate Marketing.

Local Community

Local Accountants, Bookkeepers, Payable Managers, Community Bank Lending Officers, and more, enjoy new passive income streams

Get Started! It's Easy to Join IACFB's Network

Join IACFB...Get Started with Factoring 101!

  • Become an IACFB PAL Associate
  • Start with Your Magazine Subscription and Begin
  • Addon Our 5-Star-Rated Broker Training Guide and Online Academy Education
  • Get “certified” through Class Marker”
  • List your new consultancy on the IACFB’s Directory of American Factors and Lenders. 

The PAL Program at IACFB. Everything you'll require to begin earning your share of the Factoring Industry's Residual, Life-of-Account Monthly Commission Income.