
Sponsoring IACFB Referrers

Building Referrer Networks with IACFB

According to industry polls, referrals from networking are a primary source of new business (new clients) each and every year and virtually all factors and their BDOs spend countless hours working to develop relationships with local lending officers, accounting professionals, and others that can send business their way.

There is an additional networking opportunity, however, that most factors and their BDOs tend to ignore and that is the opportunity to develop an expansive network of referrers or “bird dogs”.  At IACFB, we refer to this group as sponsored agents or when enlisted by a particular factor, “Factor’s Agents” and it is one of the most important networks factors can develop.

Your Partnership With IACFB

Building Agent Networks (Factors)

What you provide

For commercial factors, the IACFB Factors Partners Program is the solution to in-house training. It is used to build large networks of referrers or “bird dogs” for your company.  It is not an in-depth freelance broker training program.  It is simply a program used to build very large networks of part-time, occasional referrers focused on SQL or Sales Qualifed Leads.  Sponsors provide…

Building Agent Networks (IACFB)

What we provide

For subscription to most academy training and support, we require a “sponsor.” Sponsors are either members of the commercial factoring industry, our freelance brokers recruiting “agents” for referral, or IACFB itself. Having a “sponsor” significantly reduces the cost of access to the academy.  IACFB provides..

All IACFB "Events" are run through the IACFB and are focus / based upon SQL or Sales Qualified Leads

Through their Magazine Showcases, "sponsors" can add their own productivity and mini-contests during the event.


The associated costs to sponsor our program events is just $14.95 per month which covers your Magazine Company Showcase as well as your Broker Directories listing


IACFB staff constructs your “showcase” with your company content.  We provide links to your “Broker Agreements”, BDO contact information, Youtube or other videos provided by you.


We provide “Showcase Updates” during any “event” such as quick productivity commission bonus payouts, etc.

Directories Assistance

Though your listing on the Directory of American Factors and Lenders is very straight forward, we will assist you in linking to your magazine showcase or other directories support required for your insertion.

Prizes and Awards

Typically for SQL contests, sponsors award productivity with bonus commissions, immediate cash bonuses for “large client accepted submissions, number of submission completing a “valid” application, etc. Sponsors can also award referrers with free websites or hosting for productivity


IACFB periodically holds events and such events are used primarily for membership drives for new members.  Most “events” will run 90-120 days or sometimes lomger.


Event training for new referrers revolves around IACFB magazine at commercialfinanceconsultants.com.  Typically training includes the magazine, a PDF copy of our training guide, and event updates through our email system.

Updates Using LinkedIn Group

IACFB’s LinkedIn group acts as a “forum” where brokers and referrers can interact with others in the group.  Factors can use the group to male announcements and more.

Testing and Certifications

IACFB tests and certifies referrers andbrokers using ClassMarker.  Test resuilts can be used to provide perks and bonuses to brokers and referrers

Prizes and Awards

Prizes and Awards through IACFB are most often access to the Academy, consultant websites, and website hosting.  For example, we typically provide a free website with free hosting when a deal is submitted through IACFB.