Complete You Listing at the Directories
Setup Your Broker's Directory Listing

Directories Intro.
Setup Your Broker's Directory Listing
One of the most essential tools for IACFB members is the new “searchable ” Factors and Lenders Directories” at These directories provide you, the broker, with hundreds of broker-friendly factors and lenders that will pay you fees and commissions for your client referrals.
In addition to this valuable resource, the new searchable directories provide you with your own listing as a broker and consultant. Many business owners prefer to work with a “Local Broker” rather than a lender located hundreds of miles away. The directories allow you to post a listing with links to your website and more. Your listing also allows you to reference your “certification” so that prospective clients know they are working with a true professional.

About the Lender's Directories
The IACFB’s Directory of American Factors and Lenders is an important resource for all referrers, brokers, and consultants. Its recent upgrade to become “searchable” by our members means you will be able to locate a ready finance source for your prospects and clients every time.
Additionally, however, the new searchable directories provide a member’s listing for their consulting business that assists them in marketing for prospects and also recognition for their professional certifications.
When seeking alternative finance for their business, many owners would much prefer to work with a local professional who has the option to meet face-to-face rather than a lender hundreds or even thousands of miles away. The searchable lender directories allow business owners to not only find sources of funding within a reasonable distance but, more importantly, can find a broker locally so that a meeting can quickly be set up to provide a financing solution.
Of course, your listing on the directories provides a direct link to your business website. However, it also provides valuable information about your expertise in preferred industries and also IACFB certifications for important financing products. Your directory certifications provide your prospects with a high level of confidence in your ability to provide much-needed financing when required.
All IACFB members with a website can obtain a free directory listing, which provides them with complete control over updates and upgrades. View the lessons below to access complete instructions on how to add your listing to the directories.
When viewing the IACFB’s Directory of American Factors and Lenders, you will immediately notice the MAIN SEARCH BAR in the middle of the website’s home page. The MAIN SEARCH BAR offers 5 choices or options of lender categories. They are…
- Commercial Factors
- Asset-Based Lenders
- Alternative Commercial Lenders
- Equipment Finance Company
- Brokers and Consultant
The SELECTOR of the search bar defaults to search and access commercial factor listings. You will notice that the listing has a WHITE BACKGROUND. If you are seeking another lender type, such as an asset-based lender, position your mouse pointer over the Asset-Based Lenders listing and logo and click your mouse to move the SELECTOR.
Once you have selected the type of lender you are seeking, then click the PURPLE Search Button to display all of the basic listings of all lenders in that particular category.
How to Add Your Broker Listing
When viewing the IACFB’s Directory of American Factors and Lenders, you will immediately notice the MAIN SEARCH BAR in the middle of the website’s home page. The MAIN SEARCH BAR offers 5 choices or options of lender categories. They are…
- Commercial Factors
- Asset-Based Lenders
- Alternative Commercial Lenders
- Equipment Finance Company
- Brokers and Consultant
The SELECTOR of the search bar defaults to search and access commercial factor listings. You will notice that the listing has a WHITE BACKGROUND. If you are seeking another lender type, such as an asset-based lender, position your mouse pointer over the Asset-Based Lenders listing and logo and click your mouse to move the SELECTOR.
Once you have selected the type of lender you are seeking, then click the PURPLE Search Button to display all of the basic listings of all lenders in that particular category.
Step-By-Step Listing Set Up
- Set up your new account or log in to you existing account at the Lenders Directories
- From the PAGE MENU select ADD A LISTING
- From the new ADD a LISTING PAGE, select the BROKER or CONSULTANT oprion/icon to disply your listing details and form
- COMPANY NAME: Enter your company name. We recommend using “capitals” for this text box.
- BROKER TYPE: Enter your broker “type”
- ABOUT ME-IMPORTANT: In the next “ABOUT ME” listing area, you have up to 1500 characters. This is where you sell yourself and your services to prospective clients. In addition telling vissitors about yourself, let business owners about you ability to meet on-on-one in your services area. Additionally, let prospective clients where they meet with you at functions such as Chambers of Commerce meeting or other organizations you attend (Rotary, Kiwanis, etc.) Make it easy to find you.
- ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Enter your ADDITIONALSERVICES. This can include Cash Flow Broker services, your profession as a notary, accountant services, legal services, etc.
- PREFERRED INDUSTRIES: IMPORTANT: Enter your PREFERRED INDUSTRIES TO FINANCE. Enter up to 30 industries. This provides a powerful search capability for business owners that operate in a particular industry.\ that need financing.
- STATE: Enter the state where you operatie. This is the most common “SEARCH” when a business owner will seek a broker to work with.
- Enter your complete address which will provide a map of your service area.
- WEBSITE: This will provide the link to your business website. Use the “http” before adding your
- PHONE: When entering your business phone, use hyphens
- CONTACT: Your first and last name.
- PERSONAL IMAGE: Higjhly recommended. Prospects want to know who they are working with.
- SOCIAL NETWORKS: List all of the social networks you frequent (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.
- IMAGE GALLERY: This includes up to 3 images about you and your business. It can be images of your city, etc.
- BROKER REFERRAL INFO-IMPORTANT: This tell people that you pay for referrals, have referral programs, offer sub-broker or agent training, etc.
- SUBMIT: Once completed, submit your listing. We monitor new submitions daily, check them for accuracy, and approve them. If required, we will email you for any changes necessary.

Create your consultant’s listing as soon as your website is active. Your listing is an excellant lead-generating tool that additional supports SEO for your website