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Website Build Information
Setting up your new Sponsored Agent Website is very easy and typically, we will have your new WordPress lead-generating site up and operational within 24 hours.
- MEMBERS: If you entered IACFB as a “member”, you will need to setup you hosting program. Membership DOES NOT include the SA-Series website so you will need to log into your account at DataMax Hosting and add the addition SERVICE of the website from your customer dashboard.
- SPONSORED AGENTS: If you entered IACFB as a Sponsored Agent, the SA-Series website in INCLUDED with that program. You only need to SELECT YOUR TEMPLATE and then complete the BUILD FORM below.
Once you’re notified that your site is operational, go through the check list below. If you find any error, simply log in to your dashboard at DataMax Hosting and complete a Support Ticket for our staff to correct the issue. Sponsored Agents will utilize ENTERPRISE “A” Hosting at DataMax.

Website Check List
Your SA-Series website is constructed with WordPress and users the Plugin Elementor. The plugin is an easy to learn “drag and drop” editor that gives you complete control of your site’s look and feel. You will learn much more about your site and it’s capabilities in Boot Camp.
Once you’ve received the email that your site is operational, view your site…
- Make certain your contact information is correct
- Check the operation of your VIDEO sales person
- Send a “test” sample form from your site’s CONTACT PAGE. Once submitted, you should be able to download your FREE offer of the “When Banks Say NO! booklet. This si your primary marketing and prospecting tool.
- Check your email for correct operation. The standard email provided for you is This video at DataMax will provide you more information.