Learning Lab
PALs Affiliates and Assocates

PALs Programs
PALs Affiliates and Associates
PALs Affiliate and PALs Associates are the most popular opportunities for those new to factoring and IACFB. Both of these programs use Sales Qualified Leads for operation and the main differences are that PALs Affiliates use strictly “Right Time-Right Place” network marketing and PALs Associates tend to market more heavily using content marketing and social media rather than strictly local networking so the main difference is..
- the free WordPress website and blog for IACFB members and...
- the more extensive marketing campaigns and strategies available for IACFB members
Both PAL options, however, operate using the popular SQL or Sales Qualified Leads program, which is unique in the industry
What is a PAL Affiliate?
PALs “Affiliates” are individuals who operate a part-time referrer business based on their purchase of the IACFB’s Factoring 101 Broker’s Guide. PAL Affiliates…
- Are NOT IACFB members
- Typically generate leads using “Right Time-Right Place” marketing channels
- Will use social media and, especially, LinkedIn
- Will be a member of a local club or organization
PAL Affiliates operate their businesses on a very part-time basis. In many instances, they are already engaged in an 8-5 profession, such as bookkeeping or real estate, or even operating a home-based business successfully, such as note broker/investor, and seeking to expand that business.
PAL Affiliates do not invest in traditional marketing campaigns and basically do not invest in their business. They have invested in basic training through the purchase of IACFB Factoring Broker’s Training guide and use that training to generate SQL leads with their “Right Time-Right Place” marketing.
What is a PAL Associate?
PALs “Associates” are individuals who also operate a part-time referrer business based on their purchase of the IACFB’s Factoring 101 Broker’s Guide. They are often Academy members but many are not. PAL Affiliates…
- Are often IACFB members
- Typically generate leads using their member website and WordPress blog
- Will use social media heavily and, especially LinkedIn
- Will be a member of a local club or organization
- We will utilize marketing campaigns and will tend to focus on the marketing campaigns with low-cost “Guerrilla Marketing.” in mind.
PAL Associates operate their businesses on a part-time basis as well but tend to have a full-time career in mind ultimately. In many instances, they also are already engaged in an 8-5 profession, but it is usually a profession they would like to leave.
PAL Associates will begin investing in traditional marketing strategies, though they tend to focus on low-cost or no-cost Guerrilla Marketing campaigns. They will also invest in “Right Time-Right Place” marketing but will almost always find ways to join local organizations and clubs that are of interest to them.