Deal Submissions

Deal Submission Requirements for New Referrers

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Deal Submissions for New Referrers

As an industry referrer, submitting a prospective client for factoring simply could not be easier. And for those that elect or PAL program and it’s SQL submissions, it’s even easier that that. But first, you need to be sure you are actually submitting a genuine factoring deal.
First, factoring is not a loan like a bank loan. Factoring is the sale of a business’s invoices. Therefore, any prospective clients you submit must have invoices payable by customers.
Second, the business’s invoices must be commercial and not consumer. That means your prospect must be providing goods or services to other business owners for payment.
Below are some examples to help you to understand what is a “good” factoring prospect and one that is not.

Is This a Factoring Deal?

Is Your Deal a Factoring Deal?

Acceptable Deals

Unacceptable Deals