PAL and PAL Pro Pricing

Pricing and More with the PAL Program

Sign Up for PAL Web Page or PAL Pro Website


Includes PAL Web Page
$ 29
Plus $2.97 Monthly
  • Complete PAL Training
  • Web Page Listing
  • Lenders Directory Listing
  • Magazine Subscription


Includes PAL Website
$ 199
Plus 15.95 Hosting
  • Complete PAL Training
  • Complete WordPress Broker Website
  • Lenders Directories Listing
  • Magazine Subscription

Questions and Answers on PAL

Do become a PAL is easy and affodable for everyone.  First to enter PAL, you must have a program “Sponsor”.

There are three (3) types of sponsors

  • Commercial Factors
  • Commercial Finance Consultants
  • IACFB itself

There are two ways to find sponsors.  Commercial Finance Consultants often advertise on the IACFB’s Factoring Broker Groups page on LinkedIn.

Factors will post “Brokers Wanted” on their listing at the Lenders Directories.

All PAL associates are simply expected to generate Sales Qualifes Leads periodically.  Each sponsor is different and each will expect you to reach some goals.  These are always minimal, howver.

You will submit a deal through the form on your web page for PALs and from your website for Pro PALS.

Yes,  This is STRICTLY a program for factoring.  If you submit an SQL that requires some financing method other than factoring, you will then earn 50% of the placement fees.

Yes, you have a FREE offer of the booklet, “When Banks Say NO”.  This booklet is a potent lead generator.  It is built in to your web page (PAL) or website Pro PAL.

Yes, bothe the web page for PALs and websites for Pro PALs have a video salesperson to help you generate leads. 

No, you must have a domain purchased through DataMax.  Additionally, the domain is for you to use as you progress and upgrade to a full website with the PAL Pro.

You must have the domain so you can…

  • Have a business identity (business cards)
  • Have a business email (provided)
  • Have a “home for a professional website when you transition to PAL Pro

We “point” your domain to your web page in our Factor USA “SuperSite”.  Any prospect you have looking for more information will be “re-directed” automatically to your PAL web page.

When submittting deals..

  • Factors:  You will be the broker of record
  • CFCs: The CFC will be the broker of record
  • IACFB: We are both brokes of record

For the PALand PAL Programs, an SQL (Sales Qualified Lead) is defined as any submission we receive from you that completes a standard “Company Profile”

Your propsects (and you) can download your Company Profile from your PAL web page or Pro PAL website.  

Your PAL sponsor will provide you with special payment links for payment to get started with PALs.

Find a PALs Sponsor Today!
Visit the IACFB's LinkedIn Forum and Group Page.